Lennie sat in the dirt beside the pool, "I remembered George, I remembered" he muttered to himself. His arms encircled his legs and he was squished into his smallest possible size. The chirping birds had flown away and all around was complete silence. George silently appeared from around the brush. "Lennie we otta go, th're cumin for ya."
"I didn't do notin wrong Goerge, I promise".
"I know you aint Lennie, but we aint got no choice. Come quietly Lennie".

George went about making his own path. There was no option other than going across the pool of water. "Lennie?" came George's soothing voice.
"Ya George, Ill do anything for ya, what you need me to do George?"
"I know I made this mistake 'fore, but you gotta trust me."
"I'll do anythin for you George, I aint gunna disappoint you".
"Were gunna have to swim. I know I was mean 'fore, but its for ya own good Lennie. You need to trust me. "All you gotta do is kick. I can pull you mosta da way. You just gotta kick. You just gotta kick. can you repeat that for me Lennie?"
"I just gotta kick. All i gotta do is kick, you'll pull me mosta da way."
George slipped in, the voices of the other men were nearing. "Cummon in Lennie. Just be quite and hold on, dont forget to kick" he added. Time past and the voices of the other men continued to grow louder. Lennie continued to show of his dog-paddle stroke. "Just keep kickin" was all that was said between the two men. The voices were growing. Lennie's kicks grew weaker. "I aint gunna be able to finish" whined Lennie.
"Do this for me Lennie, do it for me"
Lennie's kicks sped up rapidly, the edge of the pool was near. The two men began running through the water. Once on land their trudge was slowed by their tired bodies and wet clothing. The two men fell to the ground behind a tree. Their panting began to slow, as they realized they were free.
George got up to see where they were. Behind some brush he found a path, and sitting in the middle of the path - a Rabbit.