Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dreams and Ambitions

Once I am finished high school I would like to take a year off and do volunteering in another part of the world. Then I would like to go to university. I am not sure what I will take in university, but I would like to go away. Not living at home during university will give me the 'dorm experience' as well, I will learn to be more independent.

I am not sure what I would like to do when I am older. I am hoping that is what university will do for me. I am interested in English (writing) and chemistry. I also think something like an interior designer would be really fun. Other than work, I would like to have a family (husband + kids). Hopefully we will live in a nice house near either his or my parents so that we are always close to family. I would like to have enough money to be able to send my kids to a good school and go on vacations with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Comparing Alison's to Lennie and George's dreams you will notice that they are totally different. Alison wants to take a year off after high school and volunteer. Lennie and and George want to own a piece of land and to have soft animals so Lennie can pet and take care of them. There are no logical similarities, the fact that they both want to find a new home or travel to another place to do work is kind of similar. I think that they will all go through will their dreams and own a piece of land, travel and volunteer after high school and pet and take care of animals.
