1. How is section 1 same/different form your expectations?
I thought the book was going to be written more simply and with less details. However, the first section created a great image in my mind. I can imagine both Lennie and George, and where they are at this moment in the story. I also thought that both George and Lennie would be looking out for each other. But it is mainly George who is looking out for Lennie. I do think there is something about their relationship that we don't know yet because Lennie has to be helping George in some way, otherwise they wouldn't be friends.
2. What dreams/ambitions do George and Lennie have?

George and Lennie hope to one day own a farm. George often told Lennie in detail what their farm would be like. They want to own a house and a few acres of land. They will own a cow and some pigs and "live off the fatta the lan'". They are going to have rabbits that Lennie will get to take care of. Also they are going to have a big vegetable garden, and during the winter when it rains they will decide to not farm and they will build a big fire and just listen to the rain on the roof of their house.
3. Do you think their dreams will be fulfilled, why or why not?
I don't think that their dreams will come true. At the beginning of the story George starts with how must farmers just go day by day and they always work for someone else. Then he proceeds by saying that him and Lennie are different because they have each other. But I think deep down George knows that they are just like any other farmer. I think that he still tells that story to Lennie because he doesn't want Lennie to give-up on George or himself. I believe that George also has to have a dream otherwise he wouldn't be going anywhere in life, and he knows that too.
4. Personal reflection on section 1: likes, dislikes, characters, setting, plot, dialogue, imagery.
I really like the writing style in section one. I get to paint a picture in my head without too much detail in the writing so I get to make up the details. However, I do find the dialogue hard to understand, and therefore I think it is taking away from the story for me. I thought that it was very smart that they started with what seemed like an ideal world and then George and Lennie came in and all the wild life ran away. This I think is a foreshadow kind of telling us how people react to George and Lennie.
5. Write 3 questions you have about what has happened so far.
-What does George get out of his relationship with Lennie?
-Why does Lennie want a pet so badly?
-Why does Lennie want George to tell him about their dreams when he already knows what he is going to say?