Friday, February 11, 2011

My Bedroom

My bedroom is rectangular in shape. It is painted a bright green and it has a soft yellow ceiling. On one side of my room I have my bed, right up against the wall. I have a green and white duvet cover with bubbles on it. The bed has a wooden frame that matches my bed-side table. My bedside table is right beside my bed and underneath a window. It has one drawer and two shelves where I keep books and a box of tissues. On the other side of my window is a dresser. My dresser is also wooden, and it matches my bed and bed-side-table. On top of my dresser I have all my jewelry and make-up and above my dresser I have a mirror. On the other side of my dresser there is another window. My windows have plain white blinds that roll down, and decorative blue curtains (they don't do anything, they just look really pretty). Then there is a corner and on the next wall is my closet. Inside my closet I have dresses, and my uniform hanging up, as well as all of my sweaters. On the next wall is the door to my room and my desk. My desk is white and birch coloured. It is from IKEA. The desk has drawers down one side, and good sized working surface, and shelves above for storing binders and photographs of myself with family and friends. On the left side of my desk I have my fish. He is a Siamese Fighting fish, and his name is Fabio. He lives in a clear bowls with red rocks, and there is a little green plant in the back. Finally, beside my desk I have a bookshelf. Every room in my house has book shelfs, and the books on the one in my rooom aren't all mine. Somehow my parents have collected a large number of book and they end up being put in every room because there isn't enough space for all of them in just one room.

George and Lennie's room is very barren. All the walls are white and there is nothing on the floor. They have to share with 8 or so other people and they won't be sleeping on real mattresses, they are just straw stuffed into a burlap sack. Each person has a shelf, but it is only an apple box nailed to the wall. There is a small stove which might make it cozy; however, the idea that there is barley the necessities for living would make this a hard place to call home. They have a table with playing cards, but they don't even have chairs, they sit on boxes.

When comparing my room to George and Linnie's I fell very lucky. I feel bad for George and Lennie, because I would never want to have to call a place like the home. I like to have a room to myself, Every sumer I share a room with my sister at a cabin we rent, and i like it. It feels cozy and there is always someone there. But having to share with eight people would be hard. Especially because you might not know everyone you are sharing a room with. My sister and I are linked through blood, but these people have never met, and they might not get along very well. Our rooms are very different and I wish I could help people who have to live in these conditions have something more like me. Reading this makes me glad to be in Canada, and with a family who can afford very comfortable living conditions.

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