Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Of Mice and Men - Predictions

From seeing the trailer and hearing a short summary of Of Mice and Men, my predictions are the following.

I believe the story is going to be about two men - farmers. They won't be liked by other people for some reason, they may have disabilities, they may have odd characteristics, or just the fact that they are of the working class may set them aside from most other people. They will be best friends, and the people that help them get through any difficulties in their life.

I am guessing that the conflict will be when some other character may get upset at one of them, or even threaten them. The other person will feel an obligation to protect them and one, or both of their lives will be in danger.

Probably they both hope that if they work hard enough at one point in their life they will become accepted by others, and will no longer have to be laborers. However, until that point they know that they have each other, and will work as hard as they can.

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